From the Heap (bearing no relation to the original data structure) 2022

A collection of painted constructions that are assembled from previously painted surfaces, and other wooden and paper structures collected in the studio. All parts are fragments of past visual expressions and accumulated memories. I reference color and space free from any previous associated site in order to make a new visual object or path. The color references both synthetic and natural pigments seen in the landscape while the space is layered, seen at once from above and flat. 

The title: From the Heap (bearing no relation to the original data structure) is language used by computer programmers to identify an area in computer storage that can recall and order memory when needed to the highest or lowest priority on a node. This is also referred to as a free store. When needed the program, much like I use objects to paint, can “point” to the memory, use it, and then free it when it no longer needs the memory, sending it back to be used again from the free store.

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